革命烈士纪念碑 Monument of the Martyrs of Peking University
时间:2017-07-26 01:37:00 来源:作者: 摄影:
革命烈士纪念碑 Monument of the Martyrs of Peking University
Time: 4th May, 1993
Location: North of Jing Yuan Meadow
Category: Stone inscription
该纪念碑由五块碑组成,主碑四米高,象征着五四精神。碑身呈斜面波浪形状,象征着烈士们和北大师生乘风破浪前进的勇气和精神。碑群四周以鹅卵石铺地,象征着革命先烈抛头颅、洒热血铺平革命之路,使后人踏着先烈的足迹勇往直前。它造型独特,占地面积最为广阔,由中国雕塑艺术研究所秦璞先生设计,碑上镌刻“北京大学革命烈士纪念碑 陈云敬书”的鎏金大字,阴面刻着铭文和北京大学83位烈士的姓名、籍贯和生卒时间。
碑背面铭文:“从一九一九年五四运动到新民主主义革命取得全国性胜利,北京大学(含西南联大、燕京大学)的师生和校友有八十三位(其中中共党员七十位)为中国的民族解放和人民革命事业英勇献身。为缅怀先烈,继往开来,敬立此碑,以志纪念。 一九九三年五月四日”
Distinguishing Feature
This monument consists of five tablets, the main tablet has a height of four meters, which represents the spirit of the May 4th movement. The slant wavy shape of tablet symbolized the courage and spirit of advancing martyrs, teachers and students of Peking University. Around the monuments are cobbles covering the ground, stand for that the martyrs beating the obstacles on the road of revolution and making ways for the descendants. With its unique shape, it took the most room among the monuments, and it was designed by Mr. QinPu of China sculpture arts research institution, carved Monument of the Martyrs of Peking University, Written by ChenYun in golden characters, the reverse side carved with the inscription and names, native places, times of those 83 martyrs.
The establishment of this monument was under the proposal of Peking University party committee, in memory of those martyrs who devoted themselves to the career of national liberation and people revolution. On May 4th 1993, it happens to be the 95 anniversary of Peking University, the Peking University observed the grand opening of the monument of the martyrs of Peking University. The primary vice premier of the State Council Li Lanqing, the primary mayor of Beijing Li Qiyan, the primary vice director of national SETC Yuan Baohua, and the primary president of Peking University Wu Shuqing presented the wreaths for the monument.